This session covers two topics – web development approaches (server side languages, MVC frameworks or very large prebuilt components such as Drupal or Joomla) and then mobile development approaches
Slides (web) PDF
Slides (mobile) PDF
Technology, Teaching and Learning
but not necessarily in the correct order
This session covers two topics – web development approaches (server side languages, MVC frameworks or very large prebuilt components such as Drupal or Joomla) and then mobile development approaches
Slides (web) PDF
Slides (mobile) PDF
This session talks about the architecture of AJAX applications and how they fit into the category of Web 2.0 applications (RIAs). RIAs developed in plugins are also discussed (the two prominent architectures of Silverlight and Flash).
Slides (PDF)
This session is on Open Source and Free Software – it covers the basics of the license, the difference between the different ‘camps’ and the major issues that may affect the take up of FLOSS in the future
This session talks about the architecture of a typical web application and shows how a series of technologies (and accompanying standards) allow a web transaction to take place. TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, Web servers and browsers, along with a discussion of server side code and database servers are all explained (some of it at an abstract level).
Handouts for this session (PDF)
This session is on HTML5 and how it beat XHTML 2. It also talks about the features of CSS3 (advanced formatting, the canvas element, local storage etc)
Handout for this session (PDF)
This is a practical session, implementing the site redesign in semantic HTML and CSS. This exercise requires a plain text editor – Textmate (mac) or Notepad++ (PC) are recommended but will do. A modern browser should be used to check the changes you make as you progress (Firefox with the Firebug debugging toolset are recommended).
This session is about moving an existing site into semantic HTML and CSS. By reducing the complexity (and mess) of the pre-existing HTML and moving the design into CSS broken into separate files, the site should be cleaner, better structured and more maintainable.
Slides for this session (PDF) (Cut down version without all the CSS explanations)
Slides for this session (PDF) (Full set of every slide that’s used)
This session is about the history of HTML, XHTML and the way that semantic HTML can be used to clarify / simplify markup and enhance reuse, slides (PDF).
The site markup which is cluttered and messy is HTML source
This session is about the HTTP protocol, web servers and browsers, handouts (PDF)