Files containing markup and code for this session
SQL statement
$query=’insert into emp values (‘.$empno.’,”‘.$ename.'”,”‘.$job.'”,’.$mgr.’,”‘.$hiredate.'”,’.$salary.’,’.$comm.’,’.$dept.’);’;
Technology, Teaching and Learning
but not necessarily in the correct order
Files containing markup and code for this session
SQL statement
$query=’insert into emp values (‘.$empno.’,”‘.$ename.'”,”‘.$job.'”,’.$mgr.’,”‘.$hiredate.'”,’.$salary.’,’.$comm.’,’.$dept.’);’;
In the lab
This lab is all about developing a CRUD system for the EMP database table set up in week 6 – the initial code required is in this zip file. Extract the file, ensuring that you maintain the directory structures given.
You will be shown how to wire this code up in class
The exercises take you through setting up a small web site using folders, CSS and other techniques
Exercises: PHP exercises
Code for exercises: code
Materials for first week back ..
Lecture 6 on mysql and php/phpmyadmin
SQL file required to set up the EMP database in mySQL empDB
SQL notes on using mySQL and the projection statement SQL Session 1
Notes on setting up your own version of MAMP (mac) Installing and using MAMP
empform code empform.php
Here are some SQL insert statements that may be useful:
insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (120, “SMITH”, 22000);
insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (121, “JONES”, 23000);
insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (122, “AVERY”, 22500);
insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (124, “MITCHELL”, 26000);
insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (127, “WEBB”, 22000);
insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (129, “TENNENT”, 22000);
insert into emp (empno,ename,sal) values (130, “RUSSELL”, 25000);
Exercise for lab: PHP exercise
Code for lab: codeforlab1
lecture 2 handout for Week 2
PHP Exercises for Week 2
form exercise (two files in a zip) – extract them into a folder
Webscriptingform1 (this is required for the exercises – you need to extract the content from the zip file)
Handout for PHP exercises 8 is available – no extra files are required for this lab.
Two excellent posts about Web Browsers
The first from Mozilla celebrates 5 years of Firefox and explains what’s been going on this last year and where browser technology will be going next “super fast JavaScript, modern CSS, HTML5, support for the various web-apps standards, downloadable font support, offline application support, raw graphics through canvas and WebGL, native video, advanced XHR capabilities mixed with new security tools and network capabilities”.
The second from Glyn Moody contains a potted history of the development of browser technology. His Computer World column is always worth reading.
Video from a symposium organized by Finland’s Technology Academy Foundation, found at Beet.TV
Perhaps this years most disruptive technology announcement – a way for users stuck in previous versions of Internet Explorer (which seems to be many corporate environments) to seamlessly use a Chrome frame for their browsing experience. The ACID test video seems very impressive.
Coverage on Neowin , readwriteweb and webmonkey
Google started rolling out developer invites to Google Wave and reviews and applications are starting to appear.
A larger set of invites will appear later in the year according to various articles.
Slashdot reported that “Ray Ozzie says that Google Wave is ‘anti-Web,’ which seems rather odd, as at least Google have said that it will use standard internet protocols and be open source. Rather like the internet and the web and not at all like Silverlight or the lacklustre IE8.
One way to get users off IE6 is to literally stop access to their favorite web sites unless they upgrade – Youtube has started to run a banner that indicates that time is running out for those stuck on IE6. Interestingly, in a sample study from digg, many of the sample IE 6 users surveyed indicated that they would upgrade, but they couldn’t due to corporate policies or lack of upgrade rights.
Its worth reading the history of IE6 at wikipedia, which suggests that 12% of people are still using a browser brought out in 2001.