Lecture materials on Functions, Grouping and sub-queries database 5 2011 handouts
Lab material on Functions, Grouping and sub-queries SQL Session 5
Technology, Teaching and Learning
but not necessarily in the correct order
Lecture materials on Functions, Grouping and sub-queries database 5 2011 handouts
Lab material on Functions, Grouping and sub-queries SQL Session 5
Slides for this sesssion database 4 2011 handouts
Lab exercise on the DDL and DML SQL Session 4
Slides on different type of Join Slides on Outer, Left, Right Join
Lab Notes on the Outer Join SQL SESSION OUTER
Materials for the second part of Databases – keys, ordering and selection in RA and SQL
Lecture slides database 2
SQL notes on ordering and selection SQL Session 2
The lecture slides used for the first session on databases relational database handout slides
SQL file required to set up the EMP database in mySQL empDB
SQL notes on using mySQL and the projection statement SQL Session 1
Notes on setting up your own version of MAMP (mac) Installing and using MAMP
Notes on setting up your own version of XAMPP (Windows 7) Installing and using XAMPP
Details about the BBM007 exam are in the MBIT Revision 1011 PDF
It contains all relevant exam questions and has other hints and tips
Files containing markup and code for this session
SQL statement
$query=’insert into emp values (‘.$empno.’,”‘.$ename.'”,”‘.$job.'”,’.$mgr.’,”‘.$hiredate.'”,’.$salary.’,’.$comm.’,’.$dept.’);’;
Full details of the assessment can be seen in Assignment (PDF)
Hints and tips about structuring the report can be seen in this post/document
This work should be done in pairs and submitted as a single word document, with all code, diagrams and data examples included in the document.
The hand-in date/time is 2nd May 2011 at 6:00pm. Electronic submission (only) is required – either through the digital drop box or using the email address barryavery65@gmail.com
You submit one document per group. If you submit by email I will email you back so you know its arrived (probably the next day in the morning).
This zipped text file contains three SQL blocks which should create and populate the EMP, DEPT and GRADE tables in SQL compliant databases
It contains three blocks that look like this
// create table SQL
create table emp (
empno int,
… etc.
// Lines to insert tuples into the table created above
insert into emp values (405,”MARCH”,”ADMIN”,938,”13/06/1997″,18000,null,2);
insert into emp values (535,”BYRNE”,”SALES”,734,”15/08/1997″,26000,300,3);
Slides for today: lecture 10 php 5
Sample code used in lab: lab10 code (zip file)
Completed (working code) for morning completedlab10
Class employee example class.Employee.php
lecture notes on MVC
MVC Code examples used in the lecture notes
This session covers Open Source and Free Software and talks about the similarities and differences between them. Notes are here
The second part finishes the database material and covers problem with the relational model, functions, grouping and subqueries, notes are here
Additional notes about the assignment are here – all the other material about the assignment are here
For those that missed the discussion or the link last week, information about the second test is here