Facebook versus VLE

A collection of links and materials that i’m collating for a section on loss of control – in particular the way that more student interaction may be taking place in social networking sites rather than in institutional owned VLEs. Is this something to worry away, or does it create trust and ownership issues?

imprisoned by your vle (has a link to the delightful analysis referring to Bentham)

Panckhurst, R.; Marsh, D. (2008). Communities of Practice. Using the Open web as a
collaborative Learning platform. iLearn Forum, Paris, France

Selwyn, N. (2007). Screw Blackboard… do it on Facebook! an investigation of students’
educational use of Facebook. [Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/513958/Facebook-
seminar-paper-Selwyn, accessed: 17.04.2008]

Naidu, S. (2003). Trends in faculty use and perceptions of e-learning

Good Practice and Innovation, Effective Use of Virtual Learning Environments (2006). JISC