BB7007 Business Internet Technologies and Services

BB7007 Business Internet Technologies and Services

This page will have all the materials for the postgraduate BITS module, taught on the MSc Business Information Technology course.

Module Handbook Module guide 1415.

About the assessment on this module here

Teaching Period 1

Week One

Introduction to WWW, web servers, clients and HTML

Creating a personalised homepage with netvibes – IT

Week Two

Images, sizes, attributes and more tags

Managing Journal Articles – IT – netvibes

Week Three

Semantic HTML, introduction to CSS

Twitter and PLE – IT

Week Four

Maths, CSS and the box model

Week Five

Semantic XHTML and CSS site redesign

Week Six

Introduction to the relational model and mySQL

Week Seven

TCP/IP and selection / ordering in RA/SQL

Week Eight and Nine

Cartesian Products, Joins, Inner / Outer, Natural

Week Ten

Problems with relational model, functions, grouping, sub queries

Information about the final test

Teaching Period 2

Week One

Lecture slides lecture 1

Those students who wish to install WAMP (PC) or MAMP (Mac) can follow these instructions

The following guides may be if you wish to install a debugger / Netbeans on your OWN laptop. Note that both of these guides assume that you have a working version of XAMPP/MAMP installed, which has been configured to use a folder called PHP in your documents folder.

Installing Netbeans on windows with XAMMP Installing and using XAMPP with Netbeans

Installing Netbeans on a mac with MAMP Installing and using MAMP with Netbeans

Week Two

We will start with these exercises Exercises1

Then these lecture 2 handout and PHP Exercises

Webscriptingform1 (this is required for the exercises – you need to extract the content from the zip file)

form exercise (two files in a zip) – extract them into a folder

Week Three

lecture 3 slides used in the lecture and filesforlecture in a zip file

Lab Exercises PHP Exercises

Code for Lab Exercises form for exercises

Week Four

lecture 4 slides on And, Or, for loops and indexed arrays

Lab Exercises PHP Exercises

Code for Lab Exercises lab4 files

Week Five

Built-in functions, associative arrays and more loops lecture 5

Exercises php exercises

While loops, Introduction to MAMP – set up, insert, delete and update SQL -slides for Lecture 6

There are notes on setting up MAMP (Mac OS X) and XAMPP (Windows) on your own machines Installing and using MAMP  Installing and using XAMPP

This empDB.sql contains create and insert statements that can be used to create the EMP, DEPT and GRADE table

Week Six

Slides on using SQL select with PHP and intro to functions Lecture 7 slides

Code for PHP select example databaseexample


Week Seven

Code for CRUD example – this file will need to have ALL the files and folders extracted. To work ALL the content must be copied over to the web server (file AND folders as shown in the original structure) labexample71

The EMP, GRADE and DEPT table are required for the CRUD example empDB.sql

Exercise: PHP exercise

Code for exercise: codeforlab1

Week Eight


Slides normalisation 2013

Spreadsheet with examples normalisation

Week Nine

Part 2 of CRUD

This is a slightly changed version of the CRUD system started in week 7, with the changes so far implemented included. Make sure you unzip and copy ALL the files and folder over to your web server directory lab8

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