Business Internet Systems is a module offered to various postgraduate degrees, including the MSc Business Information Systems.
Information about the assessment for this module is here
Week One
Module guide Module guide 1213
Materials used in the introduction to databases (Exercises on selection in here)
Creating a PLE Creating a personalised homepage with netvibes – IT
Materials on selection and ordering in Databases (Exercises in here)
Notes on how the Internet works –TCP/IP
Week Two
No Lab on Monday
Database materials used in the lecture (Thursday) on Joins (Exercises in here)
Week Three
Lab: exercises from Week One and Week Two above on Projection, Selection and Join
Materials on Link management Link Management and Folksonomies
Database materials for the lecture
Materials on DNS: DNS handouts
Lecture: Semi Join, Functions in SQL, Groups, Sub queries – here
How the Internet works 3: HTTP/HTML HTTP clients and servers
Week Four
Lab exercises on work from last week – Semi Join, Functions in SQL, Groups, Sub queries here
You have a choice here – if you haven’t done HTML before you should use the HTML lecture and practical exercises
If you have done HTML before then you should use the CSS lecture and practical exercises
Lecture – recreating a site in Semantic XHTML and CSS – the slides, practical (and more) are in this post
Week Five
Introduction to Web Scripting – lecture 1 handout
PHP Exercise – PHP Exercises 1
Web Forms Exercise – Web forms
Database Design Process – Database Design
The reading with the database design process slides in is Database Systems by Connolly / Begg – Chapters 16, 17 and 18 from the 5th Edition cover these in more detail.
Week Six
Lab / lecture on PHP lecture 2
Zip file containing code for lab and exercises php file 2
PHP exercises PHP Exercises
Lecture slides on normalisation (note that only 1NF to 3NF are required for the assignment / were covered in the lecture) normalisation
Week Seven
Slides for lab material lecture 3
Files for lab lab files
PHP exercise sheet for this week PHP Exercises
Slides for lecture lecture 4
Easter Break
Weeks Eight and Nine
Code for lab code for phpmysql
PHP exercise sheet for the lab PHP Exercises
Lecture slides on open source
Lecture slides on objects and classes Classes and objects
PHP exercise sheet for objects and classes PHP exercises
You do NOT have to use the objects/classes or MVC material for the assignment, but I would like to see you attempting the PHP exercise sheet on objects and classes in foliocube.
Advanced OPTIONAL work – really only for those students who know PHP really well or want to push themselves – MVC design patterns in PHP and smarty – exercise sheet and code example