The ITB assignment is in multiple parts, and is worth 70% of the overall grade for the module
This work must be submitted in a single Word file, in the form of a report, using the structure and layout tips suggested in the document in this post. Work which is not submitted in this form will be unlikely to achieve a passing grade. This work is submitted electronically ONLY. No hard copy is required. The core of this work is an implementation of a prototype web site in Semantic HTML and CSS – work which does not use these techniques, or includes little or no implementation detail will probably not achieve a passing grade.
There are two samples from last years students ITB_example_1 ITB_example_2 – note that these have been heavily reduced in size to give a feel for whats required
This grid should show the level of work required in each part to achieve each grade boundary
Work is due on 7th Jan 2013 @ 6:00PM GMT and should be submitted through the Information Technology for Business module on Studyspace. Under the Assignments menu item, there is a digital drop box which will remain open until this time.
Remember that you ONLY have to submit an electronic copy (which MUST be a single correctly formatted word document).
In the event that the drop box cannot be accessed, please email a copy of the work to
Note that this is NOT my Kingston email address – this is ONLY to be used for assessment submission.
I will email you back if any assignments are sent this way, as this is the ONLY way for you to ensure that an emailed assignment has been received.
For task two, do we need to compare the chosen website to two other websites or just one?
To two websites …
What do you mean when you say “deconstruct your website” in task two?
Do you mean break down how the chosen website performs under all the titles you gave; or do you mean deconstruct the website as in take the html apart?
How it performs – but you may also address the implementation here if you wanted to, for example the markup might be old fashioned or not semantic …
When we submit the word document via turnitin, won’t it mark most of the work as plagiarised as we copy/pasted most of the information?
Turnitin allows you to see which parts are plagerised and the source – as I mark them I will check this out and discard and obvious parts (such as code being reused)