BBM007 feedback and grades

The feedback sheets for the portfolio are here: BIS Portfolio Mark sheets 1213 without names

This is a PDF. To find your feedback, download the file and open it in adobe reader (PC) or preview (Mac) – you should then use the search function to find your student ID number (kxxxxxxxx).

This PDF has all the grades for the module in one grid – sorted by student ID number BBM007 Marksheet 1213

Note that these grades have to go through moderation and have not yet been scrutinized by an exam board. It is possible that there may be changes (although unlikely).

If there are any problems, then please come and see me / email me to sort it out


BBM007 Business Internet Systems Assessment

The assessment for this module is by two components:-

  • 35% of the grade comes from two tests taken in teaching period 1
  • 30% comes from the collection of your exercises in teaching period 2
  • 35% of the grade comes from group work, analysing, designing and prototyping a database implementation

About the group work

The specification for the group work is Assignment 1415, with more detail on the (broad) assessment categories in this diagram marking scale

Please note the instructions in the assignment about submission – each group will submit ONE word document with everything in it. This will be done electronically (only – no print version is required). The document should follow the guidelines specified here.

About the portfolio work

You should hand in a single word document containing code and screen shots for the exercises and activities set in teaching period 2.

Both the portfolio of work and the project work should be completed by Thursday April 2nd @ 9:00AM. There will be two different drop boxes, one for the group work and one for the individual portfolio work.


BBM 007 Assessment

Full details of the assessment can be seen in Assignment (PDF)

Hints and tips about structuring the report can be seen in this post/document

This work should be done in pairs and submitted as a single word document, with all code, diagrams and data examples included in the document.

The hand-in date/time is 2nd May 2011 at 6:00pm. Electronic submission (only) is required – either through the digital drop box  or using the email address

You submit one document per group. If you submit by email I will email you back so you know its arrived (probably the next day in the morning).