Assessment in this module is by two in-class tests and two assignments. This page will be updated with full tips and hints for the tests, along with more details about the assessments closer to the dates given.
Teaching Period One
Assessment in TP1 is by an in-class test and an assignment.
TP1: In-class test
Test One will be on Thursday October 20th 2016. A guidance sheet about the test is here: PHP test student guidance.
This will be discussed in detail in class the weeks leading up to the test.
TP1: Assignment
Details for the first assignment are as follows – You will collate the in-class activities and online exercises into a single Word document, which you submit using the digital dropbox in studyspace.
The course work is described fully here: bb5104-assignment
The hand in date is Wednesday 11th January @ 9:00. Work will submitted to the dropbox in studentspace.
You should hand in a single word document, structured into weeks which represent each part. There should be a cover sheet, a table of contents and the solutions.
Teaching Period Two
Assessment in TP2 is by an in-class test and an assignment. Dan will place details on the in-class test and the assignment in studyspace.
Test Two will be on Thursday, 2 February 2017.
The teaching period two assessment consists of an essay and has a hand in date of Monday, 27 March 2017.