Web Scripting for Applications Week 8


This week we will continue with the CRUD application from last week, and also build an authentication system using a login/password style mechanism. There are two sets of exercises this week (the second exercise should be very quick if you followed the material in the lab).

This code is required for lab 8 – you should place it in a new folder called labdemo8: lab8

There are some slides (from previous years when this material was delivered via lecture): authenticated-sessions-handout1

Exercises – Wiring the student response questionnaire up to the database

Lab exercise – involving the student response questionnaire PHP exercises

Code for lab exercise codeforlab

Exercises – Creating a private login area

PHP exercises on creating a secure area for the student evaluation questionnaire

codeforlab exercise above (zip file)

Three days of the iPad

As I’m spending three days in Bournemouth, thought it would be a good opportunity to see how well I could survive without a laptop – I’m only taking my iPad and a charging cable, so no laptop, laptop power brick, portable hard disk for backups, books etc.

I’m currently rewriting my research plan for my Phd for the next two years, so it’s sitting in Pages for the iPad, waiting for some work. These postings are being made through the iPad WordPress app which has a pretty clean interface. As an experiment i’m going to try and include an image of the WordPress app icon and the Photoforge app. Used the two button screen grab technique on the iPad to capture the screen and then cropped it in Photoforge.

One of the issues with the current iPad OS is the limited multi tasking. Fast app switching (like on iOS 4 ) will help here – I would like to be able to quickly switch between Papers (where I keep my journal articles), Pages (the iPad editor) and MindMeister which is excellent mind mapping app which I use for planning lectures, document structures and notes on journal articles.

Facebook versus VLE

A collection of links and materials that i’m collating for a section on loss of control – in particular the way that more student interaction may be taking place in social networking sites rather than in institutional owned VLEs. Is this something to worry away, or does it create trust and ownership issues?

imprisoned by your vle (has a link to the delightful analysis referring to Bentham)

Panckhurst, R.; Marsh, D. (2008). Communities of Practice. Using the Open web as a
collaborative Learning platform. iLearn Forum, Paris, France

Selwyn, N. (2007). Screw Blackboard… do it on Facebook! an investigation of students’
educational use of Facebook. [Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/513958/Facebook-
seminar-paper-Selwyn, accessed: 17.04.2008]

Naidu, S. (2003). Trends in faculty use and perceptions of e-learning

Good Practice and Innovation, Effective Use of Virtual Learning Environments (2006). JISC