Materials for this week
- Writing RA and SQL for dummies
- Other RA operations – Union, Set Difference, Intersection and Division
- DQL, DDL and DML
Connolly & Begg (4th ed.) Chapter 5 and 6 has sections on Data Manipulation and Data Definition. Chapter 4 has material on relational algebra (material on relational calculus isn’t required). Note that a more detailed explanation of division is offered here which may be useful later.
Ramakrishnan & Gehrke (Database Management Systems) has an excellent chapter on relational algebra, as has Elmasri & Navathe (Fundamentals of Database Systems).
Slides and lab materials based on Access can be found here
- Problems in the relational model
- Last part of SQL: function, grouping and subqueries
Slides and lab materials based on Access can be found here
Connolly & Begg for complete sets of DDL/DML/DQL SQL examples (Chapter 6 in 4th ed.). The other two books also have coverage.